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What Makes us UNIQUE?

IMMUNS is an international simulation recognized for its quality and success. There are several aspects that make IMMUNS more than a debate forum for UN issues. We pride ourselves in providing our delegates with the characteristics mentioned below.


Action Philosophy

IMMUNS not only encourages active debate within the committees but also foments the idea of taking action outside of these committees. IMMUNS teaches delegates to use what they learned during the simulation in the outside world with community service projects.

International Enviorment

This year, invitations have been sent to delegates all around the world. In past years, schools in countries such as Japan, the United States, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico have participated in our simulation. This diversity creates a multi-cultural environment that is a great learning experience for the delegates.

Cross-Generational Learning

IMMUNS is an international simulation that combines the High School Model United Nations experience with the Middle School one. The cooperation between these two enables the sharing of ideas between different generations. Except for one Mixed Session, we keep Middle School and High School students in separate committees, each Middle School committee accounting for a similar High School one. In this manner, we create an environment where Middle School delegates will be able to discuss their topics and their countries’ issues with a fellow High School delegate. Last year it proved to be a great success and this year it will be even better. There will be fourteen committees for Middle School and fourteen for High School, both providing several Spanish committees in addition to the traditional English ones.

Entertainment for the Delegates

Delegate Party: A party with music, dinner and dancing where the students can get acquainted with students from other schools and countries. Delegate Dinner: Yet another event to create friendships between our delegates. Game Show: This interactive game show tests the knowledge of students on current events, world capitals and other UN related topics, focusing on channeling the competition between schools, outside of the committees. Mexican Lunch: A Mexican buffet lunch with the accompaniment of the typical Mexican Mariachi music allows the delegates to experience Mexican culture

Recognized Guest Speakers

Delegates at IMMUNS have the opportunity to listen to world-renowned personalities who have taken action to make our world a better one. These guest speakers, whose experience may range from sustainable development to politics serve as an inspiration to our delegates. In the past years, our simulations have been very successful with the presence of world-known leaders. 

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